Re-Centering American Politics

Project 1796 is named for the year of George Washington’s farewell address, as he stepped down from his two terms as our first President. In his address he warned of the danger that “the spirit of party” could lead to divisiveness in America. How right he was.

He also counseled that it would be the “duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.” That is where we come in.

Our governing principle is that the majority of Americans are frustrated with the state of our political system today but do not know what to do about it. We will be posting a series of articles that address how we got here and, most importantly, concrete actions that independent and moderate voters can take to pull our politics back towards the center, where compromise is possible and things can get done. Here are some of the key themes we will be focusing on:

  • The primaries are the most important phase of the election cycle
  • Moderates and independents are conceding the primaries to extremists on both sides
  • The stakes are too high to continue to allow extremists to dictate the political conversation
  • The numbers required to shift the dialogue are achievable
  • Success will require voting strategically

If you agree with our approach, please share it!